29 March 2011
Grodno City Executive Committee has a great pleasure to invite you for the seminar “Grodno – city-museum” which will be held on April 7-8, 2011 at the Institute Grodnograzhdanprojekt with the participation of international experts.
The seminar is held within the project “Trans in Form” developed within the framework of the “Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013”. The project mission is to develop new strategies to make cities more competitive and attractive for people and businesses. The project partners come from eight countries: Norway, Sweden, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, as well as Belarus and Russia acting as co-partners.
The aim of the seminar is to exchange knowledge and experience among the “Trans in Form” project partners in Grodno city branding and promotion, as well as work on elaboration of ways and strategies of preserving and renewing historical places. The seminar will give the possibility to take a look at an international experience and discuss the most advanced ways of positioning and further promotion of the city on the national and international markets.
If you are interested to take part in the seminar please register by 4th April, 2011 at the Economy Department of Grodno City Executive Committee: tel. 74-32-99, 72-18-74 or e-mail: grodno-ec@tut.by .